I just don’t understand it?
What is the fascination with athletes posing naked while running or jumping or throwing in ESPN the magazine? I never understood it and still don’t. That’s how you are going to compete with the SI Swimsuit edition? Having old turds like Jerry Rice naked in it?
I remember back when Prince Fielder was featured in this silly magazine. That dude probably weighed 300+ lbs. Why would anyone pay money to see that? I guess this year’s magazine included old, retired, bored and desperate to stay revelant men naked including Jerry Rice and Greg Norman.
Jerry Rice, who is the greatest wide receiver ever, you have to pose naked frolicking around in the grass with a football? Why? I just don’t understand the appeal to anyone. For Jerry, your the best ever! WTF are you doing!? For the editors of the magazine, Jerry Rice naked is really going to sell for you? Greg Norman’s old naked ass on a golf course is what’s hot right now? Flying off the shelves to see old turds naked that used to play sports?
For the Shark, fine, you don’t even matter that much and you might be broke already, I get it.
But JERRY?? What are you doing??
Be Better.