Yay triple doubles! Yea! I got 10 rebounds as a point guard! Yea!
OKC is shaping up for another early exit in the playoffs, once again. Mr Triple Double, Russel Westbrook seems to be the reason this team sucks in the playoffs each year. For the 3rd year in a row this loser Westbrook lead OKC team will be out after the first round. Damian Lillard has been showing you up all series. He’s putting up 28 a night on Russ shooting 45% from the field and 43% from 3 this series. Russ ‘rocking the baby’ has had 2 separate 14 point performances HA! Also Mr Triple Double is taking 20+ shots a game shooting 35%.
In today’s new run-n-gun NBA, do you really even want your PG crashing the boards? Or would you rather him running across the 3 point line waiting for the outlet pass to start a fast break at almost half court? I duno, maybe trying to beat the other team down the court since he does have great speed? At this point his speed and athleticism is all he’s got! He can’t shoot. Turns the ball over all the time. Takes terrible shots. What happens when he can’t elevate like he used to?

Let’s not forget at one point OKC had Westbrook, Durant and Harden. They chose Westbrook?! What an awful decision that doomed the franchise for the next 8 years. Meanwhile, KD left, won multiple championships and Finals MVPs. Harden has become maybe the best scorer in the league, an MVP, and has at least gotten Houston to hang with the Golden State dynasty in a 7 game series. What has good ole triple double guy done? Got some rebounds, as a point guard.
‘Hey Russ you were 5 for 21 and had 14 points in a huge home playoff game any thoughts?”
“Next Question”
Thats about the only answer he has left to say. Because when your a yappy, loudmouth, fool, all year chasing your triple doubles around and making sure teammates know you need those rebounds. Then get exposed for not being able to score or shoot. That’s about all thats left to say. Next Question. Maybe he’d answer more of a softball question like, “Hey Russ, how bout that triple double huh?”