The HomeRun Derby has always been a fun idea for baseball. Most people seem to like it more than the actual All Star game. Kind of like the 3-Point or Dunk Contests the NBA puts on during it’s All Star Break. As for the Derby held last night, it was awesome. Exciting homers being launched non-stop and Vlady Jr. almost had 100 HRs last night. Which sounds absurd. Well that’s because it is.
Although I enjoyed watching the seconds tick down on the clock for hitters like Pete Alonso (winner), Vlady Jr and Acuna, the fact that ESPN is jamming in our face that these are new MLB Records is ridiculous. Hello? Does anybody want to bring up the fact the hitters hit for 4 full minutes a round now and also get timeouts?? They changed the rules and format of the whole event about 5 years ago. Remember the ToddFather hitting those last second homers in Citi Field when they first started? Then Bryce Harper as his dad was pitching? Can’t forget Judge. This is a completely new event nowadays. I do admit when they made the change, I didn’t think much of it and thought it might not have worked. But this shot clock type of BP has changed the whole event and made it better.

Back in the day (five years ago ha) guys would get 10 outs. If this was still the case these dudes wouldn’t sniff the amount of jacks they had last night. VLAD JR ALMOST HIT 100. You know how many he would’ve had if there wasn’t any timeouts or 4 minute rounds? Maybee a third of that.
But since good ole ESPN is covering this show, let’s call last night a “Record Breaking night” by Vlad Jr. How olds that record? 4? Not once on the broadcast did anybody speak on the major advantage of not caring how many outs you make in between homers. It’s a completely different event? Does anyone want to speak on that? Or do we just say ‘Wow Vlad Jr is better then anyone who ever swung a stick at the HR Derby’?

Back in 2008 ‘juicing’ Josh Hamilton hit 28 in a round… With only 10 outs! He didn’t have 4 minutes to rapid-fire swing until his arms fell off. Oo and then when your tired mid round, because rounds are sooo long, call a quick TO and settle down.
Cool night for Vlad Jr and Pete Alonso. But ‘Record Breaking’?
Come on ESPN, we aren’t that dumb.