I’ve always understood why people hate the Patriots. I personally don’t, (even as a Steelers fan) but I understand why people/fans do. Every great team that wins this much, people get tired of the winning and dominance. Kinda like the Yanks in the 90s/early2000s, they were easy to hate for outsiders. Combine that with the ‘cheating’ allegations that everyone likes to blow up, and you have a few more reasons to hate. I do think the SpyGate stuff is nonsense that all of the NFL was doing before they got caught, and it seems like the Pats are always trying to get an edge. Which is also understandable. DeflateGate was pretty silly too.
But when it comes to handling the media, the Patriots (mainly Bill and Tom) way of denying questions is getting childish. Similar to that smug doosh Popovic. You don’t want to talk to the media when they ask tough questions, but you’d like them to print your political stances so you can be heard some days, right? Can’t have it both ways.
— ‘Hey Bill, you benched your best Cornerback for the biggest game of the year, any explanation?’….’No’
— ‘Hey Tom, your business partner, trainer, and right hand man had his team privileges revoked. He’s not allowed on the sidelines or to travel with the team, any comment on that?…’I don’t want to talk about that, bye’
These are normal questions…
Why are you not answering them? By giving these idiotic answers, or flat out saying you won’t talk about these subjects, you are only fueling the fire and making these much larger topics. Why are you not answering? If they were non-issues, you could handle them within a few sentences.
The newest example of the ‘Patriot Way’ with the media is Tom Brady hanging up during a phone interview because Kirk Minihane (who is hilarious and one of the best on sports radio) asked a few softball questions about Alex Guerrero. Now since Tommy B made his famed Facebook documentary, in which Guerrero was allll over, you might expect a Guerrero question. Pile on that Pats #1 wide receiver, Julian Edelman was just suspended for Steroids, and Guerrero is his personal trainer too. Maybe you can expect a question. Remember how Barry Bonds trainer was grilled after his roids stuff? How about A-Rods trainer? Basically ended their careers.
My point is that Mr.Brady should be well aware of the Guerrero interest by media, and maybe be ready for one or two questions about him?
But because Edelman’s trainer is Tom Brady’s friend/business partner, you can’t talk about him? You can’t ask about this infamous trainer that you wrote a book with about his methods? The one that Belichick basically exiled from the team last year? What?
You do realize by not answering these questions, they go unanswered and people will continue to ask about them right?
Obviously the Pats know how to win Super Bowls but their avoidance of logical questions is getting childish. At least give the old Belichek one word yes or no. I think the Guerrero stuff is a touchy subject for Tom/Bills relationship and they don’t want anyone to keep digging.
But won’t they keep digging when you make it such a big issue by hanging up on an interview over it?
Want the answers to make those questions go away?
Bill – “I thought I made the right decision to win, but I may have made a mistake. Can’t change things now, next”
Tom – “He’s my trainer. Yes he can now travel with the team. Yes he was on the sidelines”