Is it just me, or does the level of play in this year’s NBA playoffs suck.
I’m sitting here watching these Conference Finals games and the basketball just doesn’t seem good. TV has Chauncey Billups, Paul Pierce, Shaq, and Charles all talking about the games. Think about when those dudes played. Each were all-stars and except for Chuck, all won. Today’s NBA is nothing like even just say 10 years ago, when Pierce and the Celtics beat Kobe in 08′. Those games were great! A ton of good players involved, grinding out defense, giving max effort every play, killing to win a championship. Now I turn on Golden State and Houston and they are pretty much just battling to see who can run-n-gun 3s the best. Houston plays zero defense. They just want the rebound so they can run down and heave a 3. It seems like these 2 teams just run back and forth from 3 point line to 3 point line. Just back and forth and a rotating big fills the lane for a rebound. And then we’r off again, all to the 3, and spread out and shoot.
No defense at all and Houston is the #1 seed in the West! Harden doesn’t even fake it. He literally gives up when someone drives on him and tries to back-tap steal every time and it never works.
The regular season has mostly become irrelevant nowadays in the NBA. With teams like Golden State and Houston in the West and the Cavs n Celtics in the East, basically all being shoe-ins for their respective Conference Finals. No matter what anyone tells me, the Toronto Raptors will never be relevant in the playoffs. Bron owns them and they know it. Classic regular season team that wins Nothing in the playoffs. Then fires their ‘Coach of the Year’. HA
Although Philly had a great year (finally after how many #1 picks?) they were just too young and not ready for the stage of the conference finals. But I do think they’l be back and contending the East soon.
Who else matters? The Spurs? Not really.
Golden State is definitely to blame for this terrible basketball we have to watch. I say I blame them because they have changed the perceived ‘recipe for success’ in that, basically running and gunning 3s all game can win multiple championships. This style of play has taken over the NBA and now teams like Houston just try and outplay that same shooting style. The main difference between these two teams is the Golden State has guys who actually play defense.
The Celtics are beating up on possibly Lebron’s worst team he’s been on in 10 years. I’m not counting Bron out yet but he’s got some work to do. It would also suck to see Brons terrible Cleveland team somehow get into the Finals just to watch them get smacked by the Warriors. At this point the Celtics are a better matchup for GS and I would rather give Lebron the year off and spare him another Finals L.
And the FINAL is going to continue to suck..
Find me 1 person that legitimately thinks Cleveland beats GS!!!!!