Those who watch college basketball regularly have surely been exposed to one consistency each game. The refs are Atrocious. The amount of games/spreads influenced by terrible officiating late in games is getting out of hand.
If you think about the numbers. On a given weekend let’s say theres about 100 D-1 basketball games. No shot these refs are working Saturday and Sunday. So if you have 3 refs on the floor for each game, that means that you need to have scheduled a minimum of Three Hundred referees per weekend. Out of just those 300 refs, how many can possibility be good? A Quarter? Ten Percent?
25% seems pretty high but 10% might be a little low so I’m sure it’s somewhere in the middle. The inconsistency with charge vs blocks is getting out of hand. The inability for refs to swallow their whistles late and not change the outcome of who wins is mind blowing at times. You have to know the situation before you blow your whistle when it’s a tie game and your calling a ticky-tack foul with under 10 seconds left! We’r just lucky that they havn’t adopted the NBA rule of almost anything can be reviewed at anytime in the game if the refs can’t make a call.
The last thing I’ll shit on the refs for is the lack of accountability. For some odd reason being a referee is the one profession that seems to not be paid based on performance. If a ref has an awful game and changes the outcome of the game nothing happens and that idiot is lined up for his next game this week. There is no incentive for a ref to be good and not suck. Or penalty for blowing a game. But at the end of the day even if you go off of sheer numbers, these refs can’t possibly be good at what they’re doing.
And why are all refs in all sports old as balls? Do you have to be 50+ to be a referee? Lets try and get some young legs in there.
You do know they are running around trying to keep up with the greatest athletes in the world right?